• 2 tsp. Red Star Yeast
  • 1¼ Cup Filtered Water
  • 1¼ Cup Warm Milk, Water or Buttermilk
  • ¼Cup Honey
  • 5½ - 6½ Cups Unbleached White Flour
  • 2 tsp. Sea Salt
  • 2 Tbs. soft Butter or oil.

Dissolve yeast in a cup of warm water or milk. Add to the milk and honey, and stir in the flour salt and oil.
Turn out onto a floured board and knead until smooth and elastic. The dough won’t be sticky and should feel like your ear lobe or the bottom of a well-powdered baby.

Return to the bowl; cover with a film of oil and a damp tea towel. Place in a warm dry place until it doubles in size. Turn out onto a floured board cut into two equal halves and shape. Place in greased bread pans allow to rise again and bake at 375º in a pre-heated oven for 40 minutes until golden brown and hollow sounding when slapped on the bottom.