• 2 Tbs. Butter (vegan use Olive Oil)
  • 2 Tbs. Unbleached White Flour (Gluten-Free use Sorgham Flour)
  • 3 Cups Milk (vegan use Hemp or soy milk)
  • Sea Salt to taste

Béchamel Sauce is also know as “white sauce.” It is a smooth, white sauce historically made from a roux made with flour, boiled milk, and butter.

Stirring constantly add the milk a cup at a time. The pattern for stirring the sauce should be little circles in a grand majestic circle described in a counter clockwise direction. Be sure to cover the entire bottom surface of the pan so that the sauce remains smooth, lump free and non-sticking. Do not for any reason stop stirring the sauce for a full ten minutes.It is essential to cook flour based sauces for a full ten minutes so that the sauce is not bitter.

Tip: Heat the milk before trying to add it to the roux (flour and butter) then it all blends smoothly and does not lump.

ALSO for greater depth of flavor.

Add 1 tsp. granulated onion

2 tsp. vegetarian stock